Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Totally unrelated to my cards but its my blog, so I can write about what I want, lol.

My new book came today, I am very excited must now find time to read this as well as all the other things I need to be doing, why are there never enough hours in the day????


  1. Hi Christine! Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my blog. I really appreciate them! I just found some challenge sites by clicking on links in other peoples blogs. I never realised there were so many and I'm chuffed because I dont always have the oomph to make cards or scrapbook. Its easy to join. just make the required card for whatever challenge, then add it to your blog and add a link to their site, then on their site you leave a comment with a link to your blog. Sonds complicated but it really is easy! Any probs give me a shout (like I am a pro :) lol ) x

  2. hey christine thanks for you nice comment on my blog!! I take it your going to stay in the US! you are soo lucky i love it over there only been twice for a week at a time but its just FAB!! just read the comment above if you want to enter a challenge i have just set up a new one you should go and check it out!! good luck with the travelling!!! love rach xxx


Thank You for your comment i really appreciate it!

Have a lovely day!
Christine x